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Find in Fenwick

No fixed quantity, 120 x 150mm each
不限數量,每件120 x 150mm
Polaroid photo with packaging, floor plan, sound experience

Memory, history, and human traces can easily be diluted and effaced through time. We used Polaroid to condense the time and endeavored to document all the objects related to the Fenwick Pier, before these precious memories are gone.  You are invited to take one of the Polaroid photos as a mnemonic device to revisit this valuable historical site again in the future.  The “Welcome to Hong Hong” board and the information desk were places for people to get to know about HK and fleets that arrived at the pier. Now, these places have become information points where you can get to know about Fenwick Pier.  Fenwick pier was built of a multitude of reasons and coincidences. It is a place that is suffused with people's memories, past incidents, its own history and its connection to Hong Kong.  The demolishment of the pier will not be the end of its life, as people will continue life in various ways. 
記憶、歷史與人類的痕跡,都容易被時間沖淡和抹去。 在這些寶貴的記憶消失前,我們使用寶麗萊把時間凝結,盡可能地記錄所有與分域碼頭有關的物品和模樣。  我們邀請你拿走一張寶麗萊,以在未來再次重溫這個寶貴的歷史遺跡。  這塊「Welcome to Hong Kong」水松板和詢問處是當時的海軍及民眾得知香港或訪港軍艦相關資料的來源,現在這些地方將讓你更了解這個碼頭。  分域碼頭由各種原因和巧合而建成,塞滿人、事、回憶並造就它自身的歷史和與香港的連結。但將被拆卸並改建為消防局並不是它的終點,而是散佈在不同角落以各自的方式繼續延續它的生命。 

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-04 at 12.49.57 PM (1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2022-02-04 at 12.49.57 PM (3).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2022-02-04 at 12.49.57 PM (5).jpeg
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